Why Skriva
for Education?

Why Skriva in Education?

Tried and tested in Education

Glasgow City Council

Discover the transformative impact the Skriva Stylus is having in classrooms across Glasgow City Council.

Arthur Terry Learning Partnership

Discover the impact the Skriva Stylus is having in classrooms across Arthur Terry Learning Partnership.

Scottish Borders Council

Discover the impact the Skriva Stylus is having in classrooms across Scottish Borders Council.

Our Educators

Hear from fellow Educators

“Skriva is by far the most reliable, robust and affordable stylus on the market. Every child in our school uses the stylus to support high quality writing opportunities on the iPad.”

George Barlow, Principal at Belgrave St Bartholomew’s Academy

“Skriva stands out because it helps learners to tap into creativity, through the use of drawing, handwriting and design tools that are in all of the favourite apps that we use in education”

Harriet Benbow, Primary Teacher, Perth and Kinross Council

“Skriva Stylus has helped us as Teachers; it’s lessened workload and has allowed me to play with teaching and learning, so that I’m able to make sure every child feels engaged and wants to learn”

Danielle Redwood-Thomas, Teacher at Pantysgallog Primary School

Hear from fellow Students

“I think Skriva Stylus is extremely helpful, it really helps me to get into detail, it's just been an absolute dream to work with!"

“It makes learning so much more enjoyable, and it's really relaxing and calming. It can help so many students to get better with their learning"

“Having an iPad and stylus has helped with my A-levels as I can take quick notes in lessons without having to use lots of resources, which will help to get higher grades"

Designed with Education in mind

Use with Educational and iPad Apps

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Use with iPad Apps

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Our Partners


Are you a Multi Academy Trust, Council/Municipality or School group?

Looking for a stylus to partner with your digital strategy...

Skriva offers the opportunity to customise your stylus and packaging by adding your name, acronym, logo and digital strategy name.

Available through our partners below.

Enquire now

Also available in the following colours:

Also available in the following colours:

Also available in the following colours:

Also available in the following colours:

Also available in the following colours:

Also available in the following colours:

Also available in the following colours:

Also available in the following colours:

Support for Educators

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